This year’s Polar Bear Dip to be held in Marge’s hot tub!
What has traditionally been a quick dip into the frosty waters of Lake Ontario in mid-winter is now going to be a relaxing afternoon in Marge’s hot tub. “We were trying to figure out how this year’s event would unfold when one of our members asked, ‘Why do we do this exactly?’ and as it turns out, none of us had an answer,” said group organizer Falin Froid. He continued, “Every year we’ve just done this without question. Sure we raise money for great causes, but when we really asked ourselves if we had to freeze our tails off to do it we realized, well, we don’t.”
As it turns out, group member Marge from Melancthon has a hot tub and when the group found out they all decided that an afternoon in the warm water would be way more enjoyable. “We’ll still raise money somehow, but, you know, in a way more civilized and comfortable way,” said Froid.
Pumpkin Spiced Everything
Each year there seem to be more products offered with pumpkin spice seasonings. We here at Laugh About It just don’t think it’s enough though. So we came up with a list of things we think would be improved if people would just ad some pumpkin spice to them.
Eye Drops
Chicken Wings
Breath Mints
Motor Oil
Spice Girls
French Fries
Pet Food
Candy Floss

Learn a new language like Klingon or Elfin. Bradley, 36
Reduce my social media time to 167 hours a week and spend that time with my family. Sandra, 17
Not wear my PJs every moment I'm at home. Janice, 27
Stop chasing cars.
Rover, 3
Start a new hobby like spelunking or competitive duck herding. It's a thing!
Frank, 52
Stop dating for a while so I can truly get to know myself, unless Lisa calls and wants to get back together. Do you think she'll call?
Dwayne, 24
Lose the equivalent of 10,000 or so cookies in weight.
Santa, age unknown​
Stop taking advice from spoof magazines. Cherry, 42

Our Laugh About It team had the unique pleasure of catching up with Santa Claus this year. Even though he was extremely busy, the jolly old man sat down with us and we got to ask some questions.
So everyone knows you like cookies, and many kids leave them out for you. What we’d like to know is how many can you actually eat in one night?
I’ll let you in on a secret. I only take one bite from one cookie and leave the rest of that one behind. It’s kind of my signature you might say. The rest of the cookies I actually take home and freeze. We have cookies here year round.
OK, here’s the real question everyone wants answered: Where do you find flying reindeer?
Ho, ho, ho, that’s a good one! In flying forests of course!
Um, what now?
Just kidding you. The truth is all reindeer can fly, they just have to believe in themselves.
So are you this jolly year round or just for the holidays?
Oh year round. I see Jolly as a way of life. When you have to produce billions of toys each year, even when you have a staff of dedicated elves like I do, you have to have perspective. It pays to stay positive believe me.
You mean things go wrong?
Not at all, but I think that’s because I smile and laugh all the time. I’m a firm believer in positive thinking, or when faced with the daunting task of how many toys we have to get
through, maybe not thinking at all. Wow, come to think of it,
it really is a huge amount of work, and I don’t know
how we do it, it’s almost overwhelming... Ho, Ho, Ho... whew.
For a moment there I almost lost my jolly. See what I
mean? You have to stay positive in my line of work.
So about your elves, don’t they ever get bored of making toys?
Of making toys?!! Why it’s the best job in the entire world! Besides,
I give the elves 3-day weekends, 2 months holidays and an i
ncredible retirement package.
Since you are also an elf, how come you are so much bigger
than the others?
We talked about the cookies right?
