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Laugh About It Interviews
Dufferin’s Greatest Fan!

Most of us are pretty proud of where we live, but some people are really, really proud! We caught up with local booster and Dufferin County’s biggest fan Lotta Luvenit and inquired about her passion for all things Dufferin.


Hi Lotta. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. So what gets you so excited about Dufferin?

Did you know that the airplane was invented in Dufferin?

Um, I’m not sure that’s true.

But it could be. Maybe it was, but the Wright Brothers just got theirs in the air first.

We’ll never really know now will we?

Well you might not. But did you know Dufferin is home to one of the 9 Natural Wonders of The World?

I don’t think it is though.

Yes it is! What about Island Lake?

Sure it’s nice and all, but Island Lake really isn’t a Wonder Of The World.

It is in my book! It’s just so beautiful and such a joy to walk around!

I’ve been told you like to promote the area on a daily basis. So what is a typical day like for you?

Well, I get up at 4:30 in the morning and rush out my front door and scream, “Good morning beautiful, amazing Dufferin County,” at the top of my lungs!

Don’t your neighbours get a little annoyed at that?

Why would they?

Um, no I guess I see your point. So then what?

I eat breakfast quickly and then put on one of my I Love Dufferin T-shirts (I have one for each day of the week) and off I go.

Go where?

You know, local places like the shops on Broadway or Mono Mall or the fairgrounds. It depends on the day really.

And what do you do there?

That’s where the real magic happens. I go up to everyone I see and tell them all about Dufferin County and how amazing it is! I talk about the headwaters and the farms and the amazing small towns like Shelburne and Melancthon. I talk about how awesome downtown Orangeville is and how you can go horseback riding, or hiking, or shopping…Three hours later...

OK, um wow, you sure know a lot about Dufferin County, but I’m afraid we only have so much time so I hope you don’t mind if we move on.

If we have to, but there’s so much more I could talk about.

I believe you, but I think our readers want to know more about you.How do you wrap your day up?

Oh I’m usually pretty tired out by around 5 in the afternoon so I go home, put on my I Love Dufferin PJs, have a little dinner and watch some local TV with my husband.

There’s local TV?

Well actually I just watch whatever is on and imagine it’s actually set here in Dufferin. It makes it more fun.

I think it’s pretty awesome that you love where you live so much but is there anything about Dufferin that you don’t like?

Well I’m not much of a fan of all the werewolves.

Ya, I can understand that… wait, the what now?

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about 6 hours into the meeting one of the councillors said, “Um has anyone actually seen one of these invasive frogs?” It was at this point that the councillors realized that no one actually had seen an invasive frog and that no scientist or environmentalist had even approached any one of them to suggest there were any invasive frogs and that no one even knew who mentioned the problem in the first place. It was then decided unanimously that there was indeed no emergency due to an invasion from any non-indigenous frog species and that therefore no decision needed to be made in how to deal with the problem. The council then voted to give themselves a 30% pay raise and called it a night.

Local council meets to solve the issue of invasive frogs.
Turns out there isn’t one.

Local councillors met for an emergency marathon meeting last month to take on the pressing issue of invasive frog species that threaten to hurt the local environment if not dealt with immediately. One councillor suggested offering the frogs alternative habitats by building a frog condo on Lawrence Avenue near Harvey Curry Park while another thought it would be best to collect all of the frogs and offer them as a gift to another city like Toronto or Ottawa, while still another thought it would be best to just allow the frogs to stay and use their presence as a tourist incentive. Hours of debate ensued as one councillor after another offered up their suggestions on how to deal with the crisis, sometimes even erupting in heated arguments until

Winter Blahs Got You down? Here are 11 ways you can put a smile back on your face.

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Some people say that the third Monday of January is the saddest day of the year. Though there is absolutely no proof whatsoever that this is true, we here at Laugh About It wanted you to feel prepared anyway. Here is a list of things you can do on that day to make it way more fun!


·Tell everyone you meet that day that your new name is Bessie Lecow and could they direct you to the nearest hay stand.

·Stand outside your office entrance and ask everyone for the secret password to get in.

·Speak only in Pig Latin to everyone you meet for the whole day.

·Try to pet a squirrel and don’t go to work until you have.

·Get a fake tattoo of your pet’s name on your forehead and tell everyone you have no regrets.

·Call a meeting at work and when everyone is together tell them they are all beautiful and then call it adjourned.

·Wear your clothes backwards for the day and if anyone comments tell them that they’re backwards.

·Don a T-shirt that says, “Ask me my name” and when people do, tell them you are Batman and swear them to secrecy.

·When in an elevator, raise your hands and go “Weee!” when it moves up or down.

·Call everyone you speak to Padre in your best John Wayne voice for the day.

·Carry a box of Smarties around all day and ask everyone if they want some. If they say yes, place just one Smartie in their palm and say, “That’s for you,” with a huge smile.

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