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Thanks for your time Jeffrey. So your company is called Inspired. How come?

Well I like to think that our ideas are inspired. We are very creative when it comes to promotion items.

What’s a promotion item?

It’s pretty much anything that a company chooses to put their brand on. For example, some of my customers want pens with their company information on them. Others might want mugs or calendars.

So you print their logos or other information on those items?


And then you promote them?

Well no. The mugs or pens are the promotion.

So you give them away.

No. I create them. I design the part to be printed, get the printing done, and then I give them to the client to give away.

For free?!

Well, yes. That’s how they promote their brand.

Why would they want to give stuff away for free? That’s not a good business plan. I thought businesses were supposed to sell stuff.

Well they do, but by giving away an item that is useful to people with your company name on it, those people will remember you.

Ya, as someone who gives stuff away for free. They’ll never make any money like that.

What? You aren’t getting it. They will make money because people will remember them when they want to buy what they sell.

Like mugs and pens.

No. They can sell anything from a service to a product. The idea is to have people thinking of them when they need what they have.

What if people look at them and think of a pen or a mug?

That’s not how it works. People know when they see a mug with the branding from a lawyer that the lawyer doesn’t sell mugs!

What if they wanted to sell mugs?

Well they can sell mugs can’t they!

Not if they are giving them away for free!

Sigh. I’m not really sure explaining it again is going to make this clearer.

No I get it. You take everyday useful items and brand them with logos and company information that are given away for free in order to promote the business that these companies actually do. You do the design and the printing.

Oh. You do get it. Yes. That is what I do.

And you do this for free.

Wait. No!

Jeffrey Halsall from Inspired Promotional Solutions seen here with his arms crossed like he means business.



An interview with Jeffrey Halsall

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Sounderlight CONTEST (2.7 × 2.5 in).png


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“No more boring speeches or long-winded meetings,” says councillor Sing Salong, “it’ll be all singing all the time. When we asked why, Salong responded, “Things were so dull that the public stopped coming to our meetings. Now everyone will want to be there.” We asked if the public would have to sing as well when voicing their opinions and concerns. “Of coarse,” said Salong, “Everybody has to sing!” Yup. Good luck with that.



Buddy Bites, a local dog treat company has hired Rolo, a Blonde Labrador, to be it’s newest employee. Rolo’s job will be to scrupulously test all new products, judging them on taste, presentation, texture and smell. Rolo will start work on Monday, March 4th and will be paid in doggy treats. We caught up with Rolo for a brief exchange. When we asked him how he felt about his new position with the company he said, “Rowf!” Good boy, Rolo. Good boy.



We are all familiar with the blaring sound of a car alarm that no one pays any attention to because, let’s face it, they all sound the same. Not anymore. Local inventor Willy Lowood has created an alarm that screams out your first, middle and last names in your mother’s voice, getting progressively louder the longer you ignore it. Chances are, potential thieves will jump as high as you do. Police expect a lot fewer car thefts when this hits the market.

Julie Roorda Frog Book (2.7 × 2.5 in).png
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I’m a pet name consultant.
Here’s what pet parents should consider when looking for a unique name for their animal

When pet parents step into my office for a naming consultation, they’re usually hoping to find an original sounding name that fits their pet’s personality. Most parents are looking for a unique name. It's not as easy as you think. You’ve really got to search your soul, or at least the internet, for that perfect sounding moniker.

I send my clients home with a list of about 20-30 name choices. The three things I rate a pet’s name on are Practicality, Impact and Day-To-Day Living.  Practicality: Do you really want to name your dog Here Boy for instance? Chances are you’ll end up getting more than

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Aida Yu working with a client

one dog when you call it out in a park.  Or, does the name Roody go well with your last name if it’s Ripley? If you have a dog named Snuggles, do you really want to name your new cat Bug?

Impact: Will the name you choose make your pet feel good about itself? Naming your dog Fluffy might seem cute, but what will it do to its psyche? Is it actually fluffy at all? If not, what message are you giving? Remember, your animal will have this name for its entire life. How will it feel about being called Fluffy, or Mr. Cookies when it is in its dotage?

Day-to-Day Living: When naming your animal you want to look for potential unwanted nicknames. If you think the name Dumpers sounds unique, and it does, maybe imagine how your pet will feel when you call them in to dinner. Will their pet friends laugh at them or tease them?

And that’s why people pay me huge amounts of money to help them avoid the minefield that is naming your pet. It can be challenging work, but when I see a puppy leave my office with a name it can be proud of, it all becomes worthwhile.

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