Mysterious chrome taco
found in Monora Park
Local authorities are baffled by the sudden appearance of a chrome statue in the shape of a taco. The statue appeared mysteriously overnight on Tuesday, July 30th and no one knows who put it there.
We sent our paranormal investigative journalist to interview local historian Bairn Thar to see what it’s all about.
Thank you for taking the time to talk with us Mr. Thar. So what do you think this mysterious shape in the woods is all about?
I think it’s an advertisement.
You mean an advertisement in our basic understanding of the universe?
No. An advertisement for Chuckie’s Tuna Tacos on 42.
42? Like the mysterious number that found throughout ancient texts and books on mysticism?
No. Highway 42.
Oh. Like a road to enlightenment, a place where humanity can reach new heights.
No. A place on a highway to find tacos.
On a higher plane.
No. On a road.
A road to awareness?
If you think tuna tacos will make you more aware, then sure.
Who do you think built this mysterious object?
It’s no mystery. Chuckie’s Tuna Tacos on Highway 42 built it. It’s a pretty smart campaign really.
A campaign of insight and maybe even world peace?
You put a lot of faith in tuna tacos. I think you’re reading too much into this.
Do you think there is anything humanity can learn from this object?
You know, ancient wisdom, secret truths, that kind of thing.
Well, you might learn to like tuna tacos.
So you’re saying that we all might be saved if we just eat tuna tacos.
Chuckie’s Tuna Taco stand might be. Not many people like tuna tacos, me included.
So you’re a non-believer.
Wait. What?
I think I’ll try to find some true believers to interview instead.
You do that. And if you get hungry while looking there’s a place on 42 where you can get a tuna taco for cheap.
It’s time to nominate your neighbours again!
There are lots of community awards that celebrate the amazing contributions made by our neighbours, but there’s only one award that honours those who didn’t do anything at all. Here are this year’s categories. Get your votes out so that people keep not doing these things, and make our neighbourhoods the kinds of places where we want to live.
Didn’t paint their house purple even though it is their favourite colour award.
Didn’t have their family reunion hosting 120 people in their backyard award.
Didn’t leave 5 untagged garbage bags out that weren’t taken, then leave them on the curb for weeks as a form of protest award.
Didn’t cut down that tree just to get a better view of the river award.
Didn’t go with the outdoor speaker system when installing the new backyard pool award.
Didn’t leave the stray piece of trash that fell on their lawn after recycling day, even though it clearly didn’t come from their bin award.
Didn’t come over every time you were working on your garden to give unwanted advice award.

Is it time to choose a name other than school? We think it might be.
Back-to-school ads can be stressful on the whole family. No child wants to think about the end of summer in July. So maybe it’s time to change the name “school” to something more exciting. We here at Laugh About It propose renaming grade school “Candy Land” and high school “The Fun House.” What small

child enjoying the freedom of summer break wouldn’t get excited to go back to Candy Land? As for our teenagers, they already think school is a fun house so why not name it that? We think your average teenager will be thrilled to go back to the Fun House! Once renamed, those incessant back-to-school ads that bring so much misery to our children will instead be fun and exciting. Children and teens will stop dreading the coming of a new school year, thus ruining their remaining days of summer break, and parents will no longer have to put up with the litany of whining that has become the hallmark of the month of August. It’s a win/win. All we have to do is get behind making this simple change and our lives will be so much less stressful.
How to get out of a conversation without offending someone.
Like everything else that is good, the warm weather of summer has its drawbacks. Being outside inevitably means that you will come across more people than in the winter months and that means more conversations and worse, small talk. We’ve all been stuck in a conversation that we wish we could extricate ourselves from, but didn’t know how without causing offence. Laugh About It understands. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of surefire sentences that will make them want to stop talking to you. That way, you get out of the conversation without offending anyone and get to move on with your day.

That reminds me about my alien abduction last night.
They told me that I had to collect at least 12 more people for their experiments before they’d leave me alone. What are you doing later today?
I’ve been good, except for that recent diagnosis I’ve had that makes really foul smelling liquid start oozing from my skin without warning. It happens all the time now.
You don’t by chance know of a place I can stay where no one can find me, especially the police, do you? I really need to stay low.
I’ve discovered this new Multi-level Marketing group that I would love to share with you if you have an hour or two. Let me start by introducing you to...
I was recently cursed and anyone I have any contact with at all, well their life just falls completely apart.
Do you want to see the pictures I took when I visited a mushroom farm? I have about 50 of them on my phone right here with me.
I belong to this organization that helps provide speech therapy to squirrels and we’re looking for good people to donate.
