November 3rd is International Cliché Day and it’s just in the nick of time. Put on your party hats people, it’s time to let loose! Everyone knows that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, but what about the children? Bring ‘em on! It’s fun for
everyone. This day is a real diamond in the rough, a port in the storm, so celebrate it without a care in the world. Let your hair down and dance like no one is watching. It will be time well spent. Trust me! You’ll have the time of your life. The writing’s on the wall, this year’s Cliché Day will be off the charts! Don’t miss out. Haste makes waste. So do yourself a favour: make the most of it and get out there.
Niagara Falls Man’s Dream of Creating the World’s Largest Pile of Leaves Blown Away!
Leif Pilemon had a dream. Since the age of 8, when he first discovered the joy of jumping into a pile of fallen leaves, he has dreamt of creating the largest leaf pile in history. “I thought it would be great to create a pile of leaves maybe 30 to 40 feet high,” says Leif. “I called the record people and then began gathering the leaves. The whole community believed in my dream so much that they left bags and bags of leaves at the ends of their driveways for me to pick up. I collected over 300 bags of leaves and began pouring them one after the other on my yard. I had already reached over 20 feet in height and emptied over 200 bags when things went wrong.”Leif’s dream quickly unravelled when a strong southerly wind gusting at 85 km an hour picked up, spreading the pile in every direction, covering the lawns of every house on the block. “My neighbours were so disappointed for me that when the leaves landed on their yards they actually started crying. Some were even screaming encouragement at me but I couldn’t hear them through noise of the wind.

We predict this year’s hottest toy!
Every year we at Laugh About It Magazine try to lend parents a hand by predicting what will be the big toy trend of the season. We’ve mostly gotten it wrong, but this year we think we have it! The box will be this year’s most wanted item. Think about it. Kids love boxes. They make forts with them, or castles and houses for their other toys. Hours of fun can be had turning your box into a race car or spaceship. The possibilities are endless. What child
wouldn’t love to open a gift and see an empty box? It gets better! If you put the box in a box before wrapping it (you don’t want them guessing what they got ahead of time) you’ve basically given them a second box. That’s two gifts in one! We here at the magazine predict that parents who give their children plain cardboard boxes as gifts this year will be the most popular parents in town!

We all know the holiday season can be wonderful. There are good times with family, great food and a feeling in the air that makes the world seem brighter, except when it doesn’t. Sometimes family get-togethers can get a little uncomfortable especially when touchy subjects are brought up. Here at Laugh About It Magazine we want to help you have a better holiday by providing these tried and true methods that will help you avoid those unwanted holiday moments. Spend a bunch of hours talking to a cat. This way you will be prepared for the disdainful stares that might come your way when you accidently broach the wrong subject. In advance of family get-togethers, study as many synonyms as you can from a thesaurus and use them when stuck in an unwanted conversation. Your adversary will be so caught up trying to understand what you are saying they will lose interest in the topic. If you are hosting the dinner, create a centerpiece for the table that is so large nobody can see anyone else. Sure, this will likely limit or entirely stop all conversation, but at least there won’t be any tension or embarrassing moments. Read and memorize all past issues of Laugh About It
Magazine (laughaboutitinc.com) and just start screaming them out loud if the conversation starts to go sideways. If all else fails, learn to juggle and when the appropriate or needed moment arises, lift the turkey, the pie and the gravy tureen and amaze everyone with your incredible talent! If this doesn’t stop the conversation then drop them. That will.
