(Click the logo to go directly to
their website.)
"Our patients love the content in the magazine so much so that they will tell our therapists, 'Just one minute I have to finish reading this.' But it is not just the patients that go crazy for this magazine, the staff rush to it when a new one has been dropped off as well. Keep up the fantastic work!
PS… if you do not have this magazine in your office/waiting room you need
to, it is a great laugh and pick me up!"
Ruby N, Office Manager
John Chan Physiotherapy Acupuncture & Rehab
2-132 Lakeshore Rd, St.Catharines, ON
"Laugh About It magazine provides great entertainment for our awesome clients and staff. We always have a good laugh when we read Laugh About It. I look forward to seeing you come in with your latest copy! Can't wait for the next Edition!"
​Maddison, Stylist
Scizzions Salon and Spa Destination
300 Bunting Rd, St. Catharines,ON
"Our clients love this magazine and we are so happy to have it in our waiting room. It puts everyone in such a great mood! We recommend you put this in your waiting room too."
​Farrantina Gatta, Personal Trainer
ProActive Centre Health & Fitness
6-9, 300 Bunting Rd, St. Catharines,ON
"We see our clients pick up the magazine all the time. They really enjoy it and it brings laughter into the space."
Katrina Crawford, Client Service Administrator
HearingLife Canada
245 Pelham Road Suite 215 St Catharines, ON
(877) 710.0981
"We love having this magazine in our waiting area. People laugh out loud when they read it. The staff loves it too and we look forward to a new one each month."
Pretty Nails
526 Welland Ave, St. Catharines ON L2M 5V5, Canada
"People love this magazine! I am always being asked by my customers, 'did you read this?' It gives everyone a laugh!"
Lorrie, Artistic Director
Steelo's Studio
244 Glengridge Ave, St. Catharines, ON
"Laugh About It is really popular here. Everyone reads it and they love it!"
Tony, Owner
Barber Of Seville Family Hair Salon
33 Lakeshore Rd, St. Catharines, ON
"My customers love this magazine. They are always asking when the next one will arrive."
Blu Hair Studio
209 Glenridge Ave, ST. Catharines, ON, Canada, Ontario
"People pick it up and read it all the time. They are very happy with it and like it a lot."
Hearing Life
Tremont Square, 2A Tremont Dr, St. Catharines, ON L2T 3B2
