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And I should be marketing... why?


You started your business because you know you have a skill or an amazing product that people need and will spend their money on. You built your office or store and you put out a sign and began providing consumers with what you do best. You have worked your tail off to make sure you are the best at what you do, and those who have shopped with you agree and will tell others. That’s called “Word-of-mouth advertising” and it’s the best kind of advertising there is… when it happens.

But in order to get word-of-mouth, you need people who have had a great experience to share it with others, and that doesn’t happen as often as you might think. In fact, many people are far more inclined to complain about the places they have shopped at than extol them. You will get word-of-mouth for doing a good job, and it will generate more customers, but it is not a very unreliable method of advertising and will seldom, on its own, produce the kind of success you deserve. So how do you make everyone, even the people who have never heard of you before, want to spend their money with you? Build a relationship with them by introducing yourself to them often. And that means marketing.

Marketing is about a relationship between you and the people you want to sell your product or service to. It’s about being the one company in your field that becomes synonymous with trust, quality and an enjoyable experience. Good marketing is about familiarity and recognition. Many factors contribute to these ideals. If you’ve been around for a long time you are bound to be recognized more often and that is a good thing. But you also want your potential customers to feel as if they know you, and trust you and that comes from a strong and consistent marketing push within the community.

In my next blogs I will begin sharing marketing ideas and strategies, and explain how and why they work. Take a look at every successful business, large or small, and you will find a business that markets what they do. The real trick for small businesses is to find ways to reach your consumer base that are effective and affordable.


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