I’ve repeated and will keep repeating that the most important goal in marketing is familiarity. You want people to know you, whether they have purchased from you in the past or not. I often come across business owners who’ve been misled into thinking that just having a sign or a storefront or a Facebook page means that people will try them out. Sadly, it doesn’t work that way. People are motivated by comfort in almost all aspects of their lives. If they feel comfortable shopping with you, then they will. If they don’t feel like they know you, they won’t. Sure, there are other factors that come in to play when a consumer chooses a business to shop with, like word of mouth, convenience, even a sense of adventure in trying something new, but this won’t be enough to grow your sales. When shoppers are familiar with you, they feel as though they can trust you. If they know who you are before buying, then you must be good at what you do or sell. The more familiar people are with your name, logo and branding, the more sales you will receive.
Today I want to share with you a way of creating awareness for your company that won’t cost you anything but time. You will need a Facebook page for your business, but that is easy to create. https://www.facebook.com/help/104002523024878?helpref=about_content
Once you have your page with your logo as your profile picture, it’s time to find local groups on the platform that you can join. Just search for your town name or the name of the area you wish to do business in or the types of people you want to reach. There are plenty of groups catering to businesses, shared interests and local stories. You don’t need too many. Just a few groups will do. https://www.convosight.com/blogs/how-to-find-groups-on-facebook/
Once you find a group that contains people in the area you are targeting, join. Now you have access to every post within that group and the real work begins. When you log onto Facebook go to your page. Go to the group tabs on the left of the screen and open them so you can see what is being posted. Now comment, comment, comment!
Every comment you make on a post within one of these groups gains recognition for your company. Keep in mind that your comments represent your company and should always be positive and non-confrontational. If someone is celebrating something, give the post a like and say, “congratulations on a job well done,” or something similar. If you see a post from a company, you might comment on how good their product looks, or if you know them, say something positive about them. You can even read other comments and add to the thread. But always keep it positive and light. Your goal here is to make a favourable impression of yourself and your business that will be remembered. Do this often enough, and that magical familiarity that I go on and on about grows, and that means more business for you.
The more frequently you comment on other people’s posts, the more often you are seen by other people in the group. If you receive a like for your comment or a response, then suddenly your posts are ranked higher with that person and will appear more often on their feeds. https://blog.hootsuite.com/facebook-algorithm/
Most importantly though is that your company name is out there and seen a lot, and it is completely free.
